“Pulse” & “Forbearance” published in Issue 30 of Damselfly Press

Below is an excerpt from my latest publication in Damselfly Press‘s issue 30–my poem titled “Pulse” that is set to appear in my next collection, The Starling’s Song (2015)


Listen to the Poem

Eating blue mussels
from the perfect domes
of their shells, you twist
a slice of orange into
the foam of your beer.
We argue over the height
of the bridge above the
Noyo River. The water
is like concrete, you say.
I believe someone would
survive. As if I had yielded,
I sat silently regarding
a woman’s leap from
the Golden Gate, the
monstrous voice that
told her to jump. From
across the table, you
place your hand on mine.
I feel the wild coursing
of your pulse, the proof
of our lives in our hands.

* * *

Bri Bruce is an editor, graphic designer, and publisher from Santa Cruz, California. With a bachelor’s degree in writing from UC Santa Cruz, her work has previously appeared in The Sun Magazine, The Soundings Review, and The Monterey Poetry Review, among others. Bruce is the award-winning author of The Weight of Snow.

11 thoughts on ““Pulse” & “Forbearance” published in Issue 30 of Damselfly Press

      1. I have no idea how my comment got on your blog, i never even read your poem, which is actually really good. Only thing I can figure is it posted incorrectly. How can I delete this? Sorry

  1. I absolutely love this piece. From the blue mussels, to the orange slice jammed into the beer foam, and the concrete like water. Feeling our own wildness, even though we get so caught up in life we sometimes forget. This piece really spoke to me. Thank you! Keep up the great writing. I definitely look forward to reading more of your work!!

  2. I love this piece, many thanks for sharing your genius, I’m already on my way to Amazon to check out your book mentioned above. Mo

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