70 thoughts on “Contact

    1. Thank you very much! I’d be happy to work together in the future. Would it be alright if I added your information to my mailing list and followed up in the future?

    1. Thank you, Kate! I came across your blog in the writer section of WordPress’s Reader. I enjoy reading the posts and connecting with like-minded creatives who have a passion for writing.

  1. hi! Lucky you living in California – love the place.. and the woods too. Northern California has an amazing shoreline and …. must put it on my list of places to come back to as have some great memories.
    Thanks for deciding to follow my blog 🙂

  2. Thanks so much for following The Happy Corner! I enjoyed “Fragility” and look forward to seeing more of your photography. Background-wise, it looks as though we have a good deal in common–I have an MFA in Creative Writing, with a background in English Lit and Women’s Studies, as well as experience in journalism and creative writing, and an expanding interest in photography. I’d like to follow your blog, but can’t see a means by which to do that. Am I missing something?

    1. Indeed! Thanks for taking the time to take a look. You have an impressive background. Are you referring to my website/blog other than WordPress? I’m afraid that “following” only occurs in WordPress. Feel free to bookmark my site though! If you have enjoyed my posts so far, I encourage you to keep an eye out for my book, coming February 1st. I’ll make an announcement on my blog 🙂

  3. Thank you for your interest in my blog “Boerger West Coast Nature” at hjboerger.wordpress.com. My goal is to publish 1-2 articles each week. Looking forward to your blogs. Hans Boerger

  4. Thank you so much for visiting and following redpengirl. It seems we have a lot in common! Love of writing and editing and being UC Berkeley alumae! (Not to mention that your book title “Weight of Snow” is quite appropriate as I watch the snow falling from my window in Bend, Oregon. j

    1. Hi, small world indeed! Yes, I actually edited the second edition of her debut novel, “Heart of Steel.” She is such a wonderful lady! And has grown to be quite successful.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Thank you for following my blog “Random Ramblings of another Random Guy”! You’ve got some nice posts there! I’m new to the whole poems/posting/blogging stuff. Would love to be able to interact with you from time to time.


  6. I am in awe of your talent, and the beautiful imagery your writing evokes. I wish I had been able to study poetry formally, but I learn so much from poets like yourself! I thank you for reading my blog. I’m new at blogging in a way, although I have been writing for a while on the word cloud. Thanks again!:)

    1. Can’t thank you enough for your kind words 🙂 I do appreciate it. If you’ve enjoyed the poems I’ve posted so far, I encourage you to read further. My book, “The Weight of Snow,” is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, OmniLit, and iTunes! It is coming soon to Google Play and Kobo.


  7. Hey! Thank you so much for following my blog! Means so much to me! 😀
    I just glanced over your blog and it seems pretty impressive! I shall just go and dive into it right away! 😀

  8. I want to say a belated “thank you” for following “A Way With Words.” My joy in writing is only surpasses when someone reads what I’ve written.

    While I write primarily about faith and mental illness, I’m known to dabble in other subjects and stories, even some poetry. If you have any requests, please let me know.

    I appreciate your efforts here and may consider submitting a short story for consideration.

    Tony Roberts

  9. Thank you very much for following my blog! It’s a tiny animal with wobbly legs, but it will get there.

    Also, I used the contact form on your website to inquire about your services, but I’m not sure that the message went through. Please let me know if you do not receive it, and I’ll try to contact you a different way.


  10. Wow, what an honour! Thank you so much for visiting and following my blog!! I cannot wait to start reading your poetry and other writing.
    An absolute delight! 🙂

    Best wishes,


  11. Thank you for following my blog. In a word, your site is delightful. I’ve entered an award-winning writer’s rich domain, where language, writing, thinking are respected with great care. I’ve just completed the longest story I’ve written; who knows, maybe I’ll call on you RE: professional services. Cheers! Oh, “Forbearance” is a gentle tribute … to caring …vision …

  12. Thanks for the follow! 🙂 I’m new to this whole blogging thing, but I’ve been working on a novel for a while and I’m dreading the publishing bit, since I know absolutely nothing about it! I’ll keep you in mind. (I’m so jealous of your blog, by the way – though I’m more fiction than poetry, you’re almost exactly where I want to be in my life in a few years!)

    Thanks again!

  13. Weight of Snow sounds like something I need on my shelf near Anne Dillard’s Pilgrim at Tinker’s Creek. I tried to buy a copy on Amazon was unable to obtain an e-book or hardcopy. Where would you suggest I look next?

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